Support Our Vision

Your support enables us to provide world-class eye care to all, irrespective of their capacity to pay and the complexity of care needed. Donation are eligible for income tax exemtion of 50% under IT Section 80G.

Kindly fill up form and make donation in any of the ways mentioned below.

Name :*
Organization :
Address :*
Email Id :*
Mobile No :*
Permanent Account Number (PAN) :*
Accept My Donation of Rs. :*


Account Name: Nandadeep medical care foundation
Bank Name: Punjab and sind bank
Branch : North shivajinagar sangli
Account Number: 06591000002937
IFSC : PSIB0000659
Account Type : Current A/c.

Cheque / Pay Order / DD - To be sent by courier/post to

Nandadeep Medical Care Foundation, c/o Nandadeep Eye Hospital, Opp. Patidar Bhavan, Madhavnagar road, sangli 416416, Maharashtra, India Tel: +91-233-2621727, +91 7028402375 Email: Please mention your Name and Purpose of Donation behind the Cheque